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Keyboard Shortcuts – Azure Portal

The Azure Portal is the go-to place to manage your Azure resources. I spend a lot of time in the portal. I’m sure a lot of you do the same. Here are some tips that will hopefully help you to make the most out of your time in the Azure portal.

There are some great keyboard shortcuts specifically for the portal. Open the Keyboard shortcut help item in the Help Menu on the top-right of the portal to see all of the shortcuts.

Azure Keyboard Shortcuts


To do this Press
Create a new resource G+N
Open the ‘More services’ pane G+B
Search resources G+/
Search resource menu items CTRL+/
Move the selected left pane item up ALT+Shift+Up Arrow
Move the selected left pane item down ALT+Shift+Down Arrow
To do this Press
Move focus to command bar G+,
Toggle focus between top bar and side bar G+.

Go to

To do this Press
Go to dashboard G+D
Go to all resources G+A
Go to resource groups G+R
Open the left pane item at this position G+number

Source:  Microsoft Docs

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