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How to: Convert Entire Data in a Blob Storage from Cool / Hot Storage Tier into Archive Access Tier.

As we all know Azure Storage provides a reliable and highly available object storage to store massive amounts of data for a very cheap price. Blob access tiers is a functionality provided by Azure Storage to store your blobs in different access tiers based on how these blobs are accessed.

Read More »How to: Convert Entire Data in a Blob Storage from Cool / Hot Storage Tier into Archive Access Tier.

Adding Email Alias to Office 365 when using Azure AD Connect

So we have an on-premise AD running, this is connected to my Office 365 (and therefore Azure AD) using the Azure AD Connect.

I wanted to add an alias email, normally I would simply log onto the Office 365 Admin Portal, go to my user click edit under the username/email section and add the Alias.

However after connecting up the AD Connect it now shows:

Read More »Adding Email Alias to Office 365 when using Azure AD Connect

What’s new in Azure Monitor – Overview

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Azure Monitor maximizes the availability and performance of applications by delivering a comprehensive solution for collecting, analyzing, and acting on telemetry from cloud and on-premises environments. It helps understanding how applications are performing and proactively identifies issues affecting them and the resources they depend on.

Get the granular, real-time monitoring data you need—all in one place!

Read More »What’s new in Azure Monitor – Overview

Remote Desktop Connection to an Azure AD Joined Machine from non-Azure AD Joined PC/Laptop

RDP’ing onto Azure Active Directory joined PC from Azure AD joined PC just works perfectly fine, but as soon as we try remote desktop connection from non-Azure AD Joined PC/Laptop or Active Directory joined PC with same login doesn’t work.

The actual fix (for this scenario for me at least) was to add a line of configuration in the RDP File and that is explained as below.

Read More »Remote Desktop Connection to an Azure AD Joined Machine from non-Azure AD Joined PC/Laptop

Backup Synology NAS to Azure Cool Storage

Data is not only the core of any business but also a significant asset for all users. Important files -like critical work documents or personal photos- deserve a great backup strategy for their protection against unexpected hardware failure or plain accidental deletion.

In the recent release of DSM 6.0, Synology introduced a tool, called Hyper Backup, which provides a multi-version backup and minimizes the storage required for backing up data in multiple versions. Through its wizard you can backup your data to a lot of external providers including Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace and others.

Read More »Backup Synology NAS to Azure Cool Storage

Resolve to Get Certified in 2018: Firebrand Announces Top 10 Certifications for 2018

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Every year, we make New Year’s Resolutions—lose weight, eat healthier, exercise more—that last until right about mid-January. This year, why not make a resolution that you will actually keep because it will help you build new skills, expand your knowledge, improve career opportunities, and help you keep up to date on rapidly changing technologies? Resolve to get certified in 2018.

Read More »Resolve to Get Certified in 2018: Firebrand Announces Top 10 Certifications for 2018

Microsoft Azure Data Box – Mail up to 100 TB to Azure Cloud

The Azure Data Box service is available in preview. You can use it to move hundreds of terabytes of data into Azure with high speed, by using secure transfer appliances. We accelerate the movement of your data by shipping you a proprietary, secure, and tamper-resistant transfer appliance, and by handling the end-to-end logistics.

Read More »Microsoft Azure Data Box – Mail up to 100 TB to Azure Cloud